The CAMRT is currently looking to fill two positions on the Professional Practice Advisory Council (PPAC). Specifically we are... 09 Feb Call for Volunteers: Professional Practice Advisory Council nforget | Uncategorized | 0 The CAMRT is currently looking to fill two positions on the Professional Practice Advisory Council (PPAC). Specifically we are...
The CAMRT is currently looking to fill two positions on the Leadership Development Committee (LDC). Specifically we are looking... 09 Feb Call for Volunteers: Leadership Development Committee nforget | Uncategorized | 0 The CAMRT is currently looking to fill two positions on the Leadership Development Committee (LDC). Specifically we are looking...
NOW AVAILABLE FOR REGISTRATION The intent of the certificate in PET/CT is to provide a mechanism for nuclear medicine... 08 Feb PET/CT Certificate Program now available for registration nforget | Uncategorized | 0 NOW AVAILABLE FOR REGISTRATION The intent of the certificate in PET/CT is to provide a mechanism for nuclear medicine...
COMING SOON Respiratory Gating: An Overview (Quick Self Study) This quick self-study (QSS) is intended to introduce the learner... 08 Feb CAMRT CPD Highlights nforget | Uncategorized | 0 COMING SOON Respiratory Gating: An Overview (Quick Self Study) This quick self-study (QSS) is intended to introduce the learner...
The CAMRT is looking for individuals who are interested in being judges for CAMRT’s yearly essay and exhibit competition.... 08 Feb Volunteer with the CAMRT—Be an Essay or Exhibit Competition Judge! nforget | Uncategorized | 0 The CAMRT is looking for individuals who are interested in being judges for CAMRT’s yearly essay and exhibit competition....
PROVISION OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER SUPPORT SERVICES The Board of Management of the ISRRT seeks expressions of interest for... 08 Feb ISRRT Seeking Candidates for CEO Position nforget | Uncategorized | 0 PROVISION OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER SUPPORT SERVICES The Board of Management of the ISRRT seeks expressions of interest for...
The International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) would like to invite you to the 19th ISRRT World... 08 Feb ISRRT World Congress nforget | Uncategorized | 0 The International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) would like to invite you to the 19th ISRRT World...
CAMRT is looking for a technologist to represent the CAMRT on the ASC – RSNA The ASC is a... 08 Feb Apply to become CAMRT representative to the Associated Sciences Consortium (ASC) – RSNA nforget | Uncategorized | 0 CAMRT is looking for a technologist to represent the CAMRT on the ASC – RSNA The ASC is a...
CAMRT is looking for members interested in establishing and participating in Communities of Practice (COPs) for Medical Radiation Technology... 02 Feb CAMRT Communities of Practice – Call for Applications nforget | Uncategorized | 0 CAMRT is looking for members interested in establishing and participating in Communities of Practice (COPs) for Medical Radiation Technology...
What do you want to see in your member newsletter? We have created a short, 5-question survey to find... 27 Jan Provide Feedback on our newsletter: Take our Two-Minute Readership Survey nforget | Uncategorized | 0 What do you want to see in your member newsletter? We have created a short, 5-question survey to find...