If exam candidates decide NOT to write the certification exam for any reason, they can request a transfer to the next available exam session if they are still within their eligibility period to sit the CAMRT certification exam. The exam registration fee paid to the CAMRT will be applied to the requested sitting.
Exam sitting transfer fee | $75 |
- Click here to download the transfer request form. Once complete, please submit to [email protected].
- Exam transfer requests must be received before the registration deadline for the requested sitting.
- The seat reservation fee paid to Yardstick cannot be transferred.
- The Yardstick reservation must be cancelled and rebooked for the sitting of the exam to which you are transferring. Please email Yardstick at [email protected] to cancel the seat you booked.
- Yardstick only accepts refund requests up to 10 business days before the exam. After this time, you forfeit the seat reservation fee.