CAMRT Certification Practice Exams Now Available

Practice exams are available in each of the four specialties (radiological technology, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy) to help candidates prepare for the CAMRT certification exam. The practice exam provides candidates an opportunity to experience questions similar to those found on the certification exam.

The practice exam registration fee is $75 which gives candidates access to 100 multiple-choice sample questions and 3 attempts at the practice exam. The timeframe for each attempt is 4 hours.

The practice exam can be accessed online through the Yardstick exam administration platform – the exact same platform candidates will write their actual certification exam on.

While the certification exams were originally developed using the 2018 blueprint, they are still in alignment with the new 2024 blueprint and continue to reflect the content and style of question found on the national certification exam.

How do I register to take the CAMRT practice exam?

To access the practice exam, go to and click on “sign up” to create an account in order to register for the practice exam.

Important: this URL is for registration for the practice exam only; this is not the URL for seat reservation for the CAMRT certification exam

Why register for the CAMRT practice exam?

  • The practice exam can be a useful tool to assess preparedness for the exam.
  • It is offered on the exact same platform where candidates will write their actual certification exam. This will provide candidates with a more authentic practice experience and an opportunity to experience both the types of questions on the certification exam and the exam delivery platform prior to exam day.
  • Those who register will receive feedback on their performance on the practice exam, including overall results, a report of correct/incorrect answers and rationales for the correct responses, which can also help guide preparation.

 Can I purchase a different version of the practice exam for an additional fee?

No. We have only one practice exam per discipline. The questions will be the very same every time you (or anyone else) take that practice exam.

Cancellations and Refund

  • No Refunds will be issued should exam content be seen for more than 2-minutes.  No exceptions.

Copyright Statement

© The contents contained in the CAMRT practice exams are protected by Canadian Copyright law.

It is strictly forbidden for any person to transmit (in any form or by any means), duplicate, reproduce, photocopy, edit, publish, present, make available, share or disseminate any content of the practice exams – in whole or in part.