A simple NOD goes a long way. 
The NOD (Name, Occupation, and what you are going to Do) is a very simple and effective way to promote the MRT profession. One thing we can all do to create awareness of our professional identity is adopt the NOD approach and use our title in patient introductions — Starting with your NAME, introduce your OCCUPATION, and tell people what you DO:
Hello, my name is Laura. I am your medical radiation technologist, and today I am going to x-ray your hip.
Our brand research demonstrated that we have ‘high touch’ with patients – some ten million patients see our members for an imaging procedure or therapeutic treatment every year. Ten million NODs will have an impact.
CAMRT’s new NOD video
Best Practice Guidelines
Introduction to patient guideline
Success stories with the NOD
At the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, staff members in the diagnostic imaging department have introduced a straight-forward program called NOD. They have established an expectation that all MRTs will give a NOD to each patient.