Internationally educated medical radiation technologists must undergo an assessment to determine language proficiency, substantial similarity of qualifications, and work experience before applying to write the CAMRT certification exam.

The IEMRT must first determine in which province they wish to practice.

  • IEMRTs who wish to practice in the province of Ontario, Alberta or Québec must be assessed by the regulatory authority in that province.
  • IEMRTs who wish to practice in the province of Saskatchewan must first apply to the SAMRT to determine eligibility for credential assessment by the CAMRT. Visit the SAMRT website.
  • IEMRTs  who wish to practice in the province of  Nova Scotia must first apply to the NSCMIRTP to determine eligibility for credential assessment by the CAMRT. Visit the NSCMIRTP website.
  • IEMRTs who wish to practice in British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador or the northern territories must apply to the CAMRT for assessment of their credentials.

Fee and documents required for the CAMRT Assessment

Please submit all documents electronically in PDF format to: [email protected].

The following documents must be included in your submission for assessment.

Starting January 1st 2025, all applicants are required to complete, sign, and submit the IEMRT Applicant Document Checklist along with their application. Failure to include the checklist will result in the return of the application.

  1. Completed “Application for Assessment” form
  2. Verification of completion of a medical radiation technology program in one of the following disciplines: radiological technology, nuclear medicine technology, magnetic resonance, radiation therapy. A diploma or degree certificate (notarized copy) is required.
  3. An official transcript of marks from your education program in medical radiation technology (notarized copy).
  4. Curriculum or course outline of your medical radiation technology program indicating the amount of time spent in both the theoretical and clinical components of your program. The curriculum or course outline must provide a:
    • Detailed list of courses and a description of the content of each course (photocopy of education institution syllabus)
    • Description of how you were evaluated on both the theory and clinical components of the program
  5. Clinical Assessment Checklist of work experience following graduation from education program. Work experience must be within the past five (5) years in the discipline in which you are applying.
  6. Confirmation of employment letter from your most recent or current employer. This letter must be written on the letterhead used by the institution and must confirm your last date of employment, number of practice hours and a reference regarding your practice as a medical radiation technologist. The letter must supply employer’s contact information; e-mail or paper accepted. If you are a recent graduate with little or no work experience and you cannot provide an employment letter, your credentials will be considered for assessment and eligibility to write the CAMRT exam within 5 years from the date of your graduation.
  7. Letter of reference attesting your good character from someone who has known you for a minimum of two (2) years. The referee must sign the letter, print their name, and provide contact information.
  8. Evidence of language fluency if total medical radiation technology education program, that is both theory and clinical components, were not conducted in English or French. (Original copy of language test results required.)
  9. Evidence of registration with an association / society / regulatory body for the specific discipline, if you are registered.
  10. Relevant evidence of continuing professional development activities.
  11. A non-refundable assessment fee of $375.00 CAD will be processed after we have completed a preliminary review of your submitted documents, and the documents are complete.


  • These documents will be used to determine substantial similarity for entry-to-practice competency to that required from a Canadian accredited program. To see the entry-to-practice competency required in Canada, click the link to the CAMRT competency profiles
  • If documents are in a language other than English or French, notarized translations must also be submitted.

Review Process

  1. The CAMRT Manager of Certification, or the provincial authority where applicable, will review your submission for assessment to verify that all required documents have been provided. If there is anything missing you will be contacted and asked to submit the missing information. This could delay the assessment process.
  2. Once the completeness of your file has been confirmed, your application will be sent to a reviewer with expertise in the discipline for which you are applying.
  3. The expert reviewer will determine that:
    • You are eligible to apply to write the CAMRT certification exam and you can proceed to apply for upcoming exam sessions.
    • You do not meet the eligibility requirements. The reasons to support this decision will be provided.
  4. You will be notified of the decision by the CAMRT Manager of Certification.
  5. Should you be denied eligibility on your initial assessment, you may gather additional supporting documents for re-submission along with a non-refundable re-assessment fee of $120. A re-assessment form will need to be submitted.


  • To be eligible to write the CAMRT exam on the date of your choice, you must submit your Application for assessment a minimum of three (3) months before the exam registration deadline of the exam session you wish to attend.
  • You will be granted access to the CAMRT certification exam for five (5) years from the last known date of your previous or current employer. If you are approaching the expiration date and wish to extend your access please email [email protected] for further instructions. A non-refundable extension fee of $120 will be applied.

Exam dates and fees.

  • For clarification or more information regarding the assessment application process, contact [email protected].