Welcome to CAMRT-AB
Your Home for Provincial Association Services in Alberta
CAMRT-AB is the home for provincial association services for medical radiation technologists (MRTs) in Alberta. CAMRT-AB provides an array of services to its members, including communicating with the Government of Alberta, providing local education events and expanding our volunteer network through the Site Ambassador Program. In addition the Provincial Manager visits sites across the province to provide updates and meet with members.
With changes to provincial legislation requiring provincial regulators to cease any association duties, a group of passionate MRTs approached CAMRT to inquire into the provincial model. After much discussion, and a vote from membership in 2022, the CAMRT-AB model took shape.
With CAMRT-AB, members receive a variety of member benefits including a provincial voice, increased outreach, recognition, and education.
A unified voice for issues impacting the AB MRT Community:
- Making sure the voice of MRTs is heard
- Engaging with provincial government and regulators
- Increasing public awareness regarding the vital role of MRTs in the AB healthcare system
- Honouring the dedication of MRTs during MRT week

A provincial network helping AB MRTs stay informed and connected:
- Providing local professional volunteer opportunities
- Meeting with members through site visits and presentation
- Keeping members informed through provincial updates and member publications

Educational initiatives with a provincial focus:
- Planning regional infoshare events
- Supporting leadership development among AB members
- Planning opportunities with an Alberta focus at the Ascent

Recognizing AB members and building pride in the profession:
- Highlighting member achievements through the Alberta Awards Program
- Acknowledging AB members’ professional accomplishments
- Celebrating new graduates through pinning and commencement ceremonies and events
Joint Provincial Membership (2 memberships in 1)
Members in Alberta enjoy the benefits of a joint CAMRT and CAMRT-AB membership.
The information on this page describes provincial member benefits only. Discover the value of belonging and the benefits that come with your full CAMRT membership (such as professional liability insurance, discounts on professional development opportunities, and access to a network of over 11,000 MRTs nationwide).
Get Involved in CAMRT-AB
Recruiting volunteers as Site Ambassadors is ongoing for CAMRT-AB. The Site Ambassador program is a network of Medical Radiation Technologists who share a desire to inform and engage the membership through local initiatives and discussion. Site Ambassadors serve as a critical contact between the CAMRT-AB Provincial Manager and the membership of CAMRT-AB. Your involvement as a Site Ambassador will be personally and professionally rewarding as you contribute to strengthening the MRT community across Alberta. Find out more by looking at the Site Ambassador Network Terms of Reference.
Contact Information
If you wish to contact CAMRT-AB, we ask that you use the phone and email contacts below:
General Inquiries: 1-800-463-9729 (toll free in Canada)
Provincial Manager, CAMRT-AB: Gina McRae [email protected]