Mental Health Resource Hub

Mental Health Resource Hub

Free Psychological Services

The Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) has compiled a list of psychologists who are volunteering psychological services to front line healthcare providers during this time of crisis. Visit the CPA page to find out how to contact a psychologist in your home province.

Find a Psychologist

FRONTLINE provides fast, free counseling to health care professionals and essential workers to deal with anxiety, stress, fear, isolation, or other difficult emotions during coronavirus.

Canada text: 741741 

National Mental Health Survey

CAMRT National Mental Health Survey 2021
CAMRT SC CSMLS Joint Statement Mental Health Crisis

National Mental Health Programs and Resources

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
Bell Let's Talk Toolkit
Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS)
Canadian Association of Social Workers

Workplace-specific Mental Health Programs and Resources for Employers and Employees

Canadian College of Health Leaders
Canadian Mental Health Association

Mental Health Resources for MRT Students and Educators

Centre for Innovation on Campus Mental Health
University of Waterloo Centre for Teaching Excellence
University of British Columbia
Canadian Mental Health Association and Canadian Association of College and University Student Services

Grief and Bereavement Resources

Canadian Cancer Society
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario
US. Department of Health and Human Services

Employee Assistance Programs

Many employers offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) that include short-term counselling, financial support programs, family support resources, and more. These services are free for employees and completely confidential. Ask if your manager or employer if this service is available at your place of work.

Mental Health Resources, developed during the pandemic

World Health Organization (WHO)
Canadian Psychological Association
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Anxiety Canada
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Supports for those in isolation
Bay Psychology: Understanding emotional distress and learning to thrive