Content and courses are only available in French. C’est avec fierté que l’Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en... 29 Oct New CPD from OTIMROEPMQ nforget | Uncategorized | 0 Content and courses are only available in French. C’est avec fierté que l’Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en...
In January 2016, CAMRT will be launching the PET/CT Certificate Program. This program will be available to nuclear medicine... 29 Oct NEW PET/CT Certificate for Nuclear Medicine Technologists nforget | Uncategorized | 0 In January 2016, CAMRT will be launching the PET/CT Certificate Program. This program will be available to nuclear medicine...
NEW INTERACTIVE ONLINE DELIVERY FORMAT: Credit Hours—Category A Credit TBD Project management is the application of a body of knowledge... 29 Oct Available CPD Winter 2016: Project Management for the Health Care Professional (full length) nforget | Uncategorized | 0 NEW INTERACTIVE ONLINE DELIVERY FORMAT: Credit Hours—Category A Credit TBD Project management is the application of a body of knowledge...
There is currently one (1) vacancy on the Dosimetry Certificate Committee. Interested Candidates must: Have a valid CMD designation... 29 Oct Seeking Replacement Committee Member: Dosimetry Certificate (CDS) nforget | Uncategorized | 0 There is currently one (1) vacancy on the Dosimetry Certificate Committee. Interested Candidates must: Have a valid CMD designation...
The NOD (Name, Occupation, and what you are going to Do) is a very simple and effective way to... 20 Oct Introducing the NOD Video nforget | Uncategorized | 0 The NOD (Name, Occupation, and what you are going to Do) is a very simple and effective way to...
This quick self-study aims to provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on their patient education skills, as well... 20 Oct CPD QSS Reviewing Patient Education Skills in the Clinical Setting Now Available! nforget | Uncategorized | 0 This quick self-study aims to provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on their patient education skills, as well...
Have you been working on an interesting quality or safety project in your organization? Do you think it is... 20 Oct 7th Canadian Winter School on Quality & Safety in Radiation Oncology nforget | Uncategorized | 0 Have you been working on an interesting quality or safety project in your organization? Do you think it is...
The CAMRT wants to help your workplace celebrate MRT Week 2015 by offering free credit approval reviews for activities... 17 Oct Free Review for Credit of CPD Activities to Celebrate MRT Week in Canada! nforget | Uncategorized | 0 The CAMRT wants to help your workplace celebrate MRT Week 2015 by offering free credit approval reviews for activities...
September 25-27, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts The CAMRT is again working with the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) to... 05 Oct 7th Annual Speaker Competition—ASRT Radiation Therapy Conference nforget | Uncategorized | 0 September 25-27, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts The CAMRT is again working with the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) to...
CAMRT members are invited to submit resolutions or motions to be debated at the 2016 Annual General Meeting, which... 03 Oct Resolutions or Motions for 2016 Annual General Meeting nforget | Uncategorized | 0 CAMRT members are invited to submit resolutions or motions to be debated at the 2016 Annual General Meeting, which...