Survey on Professional Development from Monash University and Central Queensland University in Australia

Survey on Professional Development from Monash University and Central Queensland University in Australia

You are invited to participate in a short survey as a health care practitioner working in a medical radiations profession in Canada or Australia.

This survey is being delivered by the Department of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences at Monash University in Australia, Central Queensland University in Australia and co-supported by Lisa Di Prospero and Kieng Tan, members of the CAMRT. The primary purpose of this survey is to investigate, with reference to medical radiations practitioners (i.e. radiographers, radiation therapists, nuclear medicine technologists, MRI technologists, sonographers), the perception and utilisation of online media within the context of professional development.

Research ethics approval has been granted by Monash University with the intent to publish the results of this research study. Your participation is voluntary, and you may exit this survey at any time. Your answers are anonymous, and this survey does not ask for your name or any other identifying information.

The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your support.

Please go to the following link to access the survey:

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