7th Canadian Winter School on Quality & Safety in Radiation Oncology

7th Canadian Winter School on Quality & Safety in Radiation Oncology

Radiation Therapist Scholarship Application

The annual Canadian Winter School on Quality and Safety in Radiation Oncology is a four-day multidisciplinary continuing education course open to all radiation medicine professionals. Each year, the school brings together about 100 radiation therapists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists, government regulators and industry leaders to learn how to improve the quality and safety of the patient experience in radiation oncology.

The goal of the Winter School is not simply to be an academic event at which the experts present on the latest developments in quality and safety theory. Rather, it is intended to be the forum at which the professionals in Canadian clinical radiation medicine get together to learn from the experts and from each other and then return home to put in place real improvements at their centres.

For the 7th edition of the Winter School, to be held from Feb 7th to 11th, 2016 in Montebello, Quebec, the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) will sponsor two registration scholarships for radiation therapists.

Have you been working on an interesting quality or safety project in your organization? Do you think it is an example that others might learn from? Consider writing it up and submitting it as an abstract for the therapist scholarship competition.



For more information please visit:

www.comp-ocpm.ca      or       www.facebook.com/COMPWinterSchool


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