Computed Tomography Imaging Certificate (CTIC)

The Computed Tomography Imaging Certificate (CTIC), Position Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) and CT Therapy Certificate (CTRT) are robust certificate programs culminating in a demonstration of an expanded and varied skill set in modern CT. The completion of any of these certificates represents advanced CT training which is considered additional to the entry-to-practice exam in nuclear medicine or radiological technology.

CT imaging has become a vital diagnostic tool in medical imaging. It produces a volume of data that can be manipulated to clearly demonstrate bodily structures in various 3D representations. With advances in image quality and reduction in scan times, CT has experienced enormous growth in clinical use and has become routine in the digital world of medical imaging.

Purpose of the CTIC Program

The intent of the certificate in CT is to provide a mechanism for radiological technologists and nuclear medicine technologists to demonstrate knowledge and competence in the field of CT imaging, to promote standards of excellence within this clinical area, and to identify those who have met a nationally recognized standard.

Benefits of the CTIC Program

Completion of this program demonstrates that an MRT has proven experience and validated clinical competence in a clinical environment in CT. The program demonstrates that an MRT has achieved high-level academic excellence by completing in-depth, advanced courses, that are developed with post-graduation success in mind. Sites thrive when colleagues, new hires and management can all rely on highly skilled and trusted technologists, and technologists are also most confident when they can demonstrate a validated level of excellence. Teamwork is bolstered by experienced MRTs validating clinical skills, leading to cohesive, trusted and safe practice.

Program Overview

There are two components of the CTIC program: didactic and clinical*. Please note that registration into a course that is applicable to a certificate program does not register you for the certificate program. It is the candidate’s responsibility to register and pay for the certificate program after the prerequisites are met (this allows you access to the clinical logbook) and to be aware of this certificate program’s policies and procedures as per the program handbook. In the event of a discrepancy, the information in the program handbook will apply.

A passing mark of 75% or higher on the pre-requisite exam is required for registration. Enrollment into the certificate (which allows access to and review of the clinical component) will only be made available to eligible candidates who completed the exam with the minimum exam grade.

The following is an overview of the Computed Tomography Imaging Certificate program. For detailed information, download the CTIC Handbook.

*The clinical component is only available to candidates registered in the certificate program (register into the “CTIC”). 

Remember: All competencies in the SCC must be completed *after* your registration into the certificate program.

CT Imaging 1 Prior Learning and Recognition

Didactic Component

Clinical Component
Program Updates

Internationally educated medical radiation technologists (IEMRTs)

Documentation required from IEMRTs* (please submit via email):

  • Notarized copy of diploma /degree/certificate from entry-level education program.
  • Original letter from entry-level education program verifying length of program to include both didactic and clinical components.
  • IEMRT Attestation Letter

*Required documentation not received within 30 days of program registration will result in a program cancellation/partial refund.
CAMRT strongly recommends candidates obtain required documentation prior to program registration and send by email within the required timeframe.
Candidates may only begin working on the Summary of Clinical Competence upon approval of received documentation from CAMRT.

Clinical Advisor

The clinical component requires the candidate to identify a Clinical Advisor.

The clinical advisor must:

  • Be a medical radiation technologist with a CAMRT CTIC credential and/or a medical radiation technologist having a minimum of five years’ experience in the practice of CT imaging*
  • Be currently practicing in CT
  • Not be currently registered in any of the CT Certificate programs
  • Identify others delegated to assess the candidate and ensure they are credentialed and competent in their practice
  • Perform the assessment on the candidate for all procedures/associated competencies or delegate the assessment to another credentialed technologist
  • Attest to overall competency of the candidate by signing at the end of each module.

*If this is not possible, please contact CAMRT.

Documentation requirements for Clinical Advisors outside of Canada:

The following must be submitted via email within 30 days of program registration*:

*Required documentation not received within 30 days of program registration will result in a program cancellation/partial refund.
**Including those who have the CTIC credential.
CAMRT strongly recommends candidates obtain required documentation prior to program registration and send by email within the required timeframe.
Candidates may only begin working on the Summary of Clinical Competence upon approval of received documentation from CAMRT.


Candidates in the CTIC program must complete both the didactic and clinical components within a five-year timeframe. This timeframe begins on the date of successful completion of the first CT course used toward the CTIC program.


Candidates who successfully complete the didactic and clinical components as per the CTIC program requirements receive a Computed Tomography Imaging Certificate and can use the credential “CTIC”.

The Committee strongly advocates for continued competence through continuing professional development.

Certificate Program Handbook

For more information on this Certificate Program: [email protected].