MRT Awareness Campaign Videos for sharing

MRT Awareness Campaign Videos for sharing

This year, CAMRT is using MRT Week as the springboard for a new national awareness campaign. In addition to the posters displayed at your sites, you can help AMPLIFY and EXPAND the reach of this campaign by helping us to SHARE this material online. Here’s how:


The videos below are all posted to YouTube (linked below), and are easily shareable on any of your social media platforms.


Take a chance to explain to your network why YOU are posting. Making it personal and adding a message to identify yourself with the content (without giving away your privacy of course) can make the post more relatable when they see it in their feeds.

For example:

  • “I’m a Nuclear Medicine (Insert your own discipline) Technologist and a Proud MRT. “
  • “I’ve been a Proud MRT for XX years”
  • “Being an MRT makes me proud”
  • “Helping patients is why I’m a Proud MRT”
  • “I’m proud of all the important work that me and my MRT colleagues do for Canadians in diagnostic imaging and radiaiton therapy”


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