Submitting a Job Bank Posting
The CAMRT online job bank gives employers the opportunity to recruit highly qualified and sought after CAMRT members for available medical radiation technology positions. Postings will appear on CAMRT’s member-only website.
Cost: CAMRT has recently moved to a pay-per-post service. Each posting is $100, plus tax (Canadian dollars).
- Each submission must be for one job posting. (One job title with one job description per ad, per site). Postings advertising for various positions at various sites will not be accepted. Postings for more than one of the same position at the same site, will be accepted.
- Your posting will be displayed until the set application deadline or for a maximum of 60 days, whichever is sooner.
- Please submit one form per posting.
- Postings may be for anywhere in Canada or internationally.
- Please allow 1-3 days for the postings to be made live on our member site.
Please complete and return the form below.
NEW! Bi-Weekly Featured Jobs Email to AB, BC, SK, MB or Atlantic Members
Get your posting extra attention. Include your job posting in our new bi-weekly featured jobs email to CAMRT-AB, CAMRT-BC, CAMRT-SK, CAMRT-MB or CAMRT-ATL (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador) members. This newsletter-style email will be sent to CAMRT members in the regions specified. The cut off for featured job email submissions will be the Wednesday before the Saturday morning email.
Cost: A listing in the bi-weekly featured jobs email is $200, plus tax (Canadian dollars), per region.
Job postings can be paid by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) by completing the form above.
Have Questions?
If assistance is required, please contact our membership team at [email protected].
Job Seekers
If you are a CAMRT member looking for employment or resources for career guidance, click My Career (you must login to your CAMRT account) to view the current list of the job opportunities and access some great career resources.