ILA’s 21st Global Conference – CFP Now Open!
Leadership: Courage Required
Deadline: February 1st, 2019
Download the Complete Call for Proposals
Submit Proposal Through Online System
The 21st Annual Global Conference will take place in Ottawa, ON on October 24-27, 2019.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to share your work with this international leadership community. Over the past three years, the ILA has seen an increase in the number of submissions focused on healthcare and leadership. In response to this increase, a new track dedicated to healthcare is included in the 2019 ILA CFP.
This year’s conference theme is Leadership: Courage Required. While courage has always been an essential element of effective leadership, what is different now is our heightened awareness of what’s at stake. Although the conference theme is focused on courage, all leadership topics are welcome.
Please send your submission for a complete panel, workshop, or symposium. Alternatively, you can submit a presentation, paper, roundtable, or poster. The deadline, 1 February 2019, is really just around the corner!
Check out the Call for Proposals pdf for complete information.
Please contact [email protected] with questions or for assistance with the CFP. Thank you.
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