Have you seen what others were up to for MRT Week?

Have you seen what others were up to for MRT Week?

MRT Week has come and gone once again, and it was an incredible success! We managed to deliver over 500 packages of MRT Week supplies to sites across Canada (a significant increase from last year) to assist you in celebrating the profession. Through our social media networks we got to see some of the great ways all of you celebrated during the week. Thank you to everyone who has posted. From making department t-shirts, to bake sales, to mask decorating contests, we are always so impressed with your initiative and creativity. If you haven’t had a chance to yet, please check out our Twitter page and Facebook group to see what your fellow MRTs have done to celebrate MRT Week. Follow us or join our group to get our updates, network, and learn about the future MRT Weeks to come.

Also, don’t forget to watch our NOD video.

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